Monday, April 24, 2017

Day 90 - Final Full Day

Today brought all the current players of Team Daniel to our room. Everyone had good things to say about his progress and our ability to help with his home therapies. There are a few loose ends that may not be straightened out with coverage, insurance and other things - Nothing that will stop us from heading home tomorrow. With a stay as long as ours there's bound to be loose ends to work out. Sure it would be nice if every little detail was ironed out, but this is the way things work with so many parties involved.

There is a lingering concern with Daniel's liver panels. We have been referred to a liver specialist and we will meet with them in a month or so. The tests ruled out obvious things like hepatitis. We don't know a lot more that I will detail here. The most likely cause is a reaction to the burn injury so we will let time heal his liver. 

So the plan is to finish up today with some of the usual therapies we've been doing, eat some dinner, and head to bed to get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow we may be home by mid afternoon.
I have not decided if I will continue posting to this blog after today. For me this daily effort provided a way to document what was happening. It allowed you an opportunity to keep up on Daniel's journey with whatever frequency you chose. 

Tomorrow marks a big milestone in Daniel's road to recovery. Once he is home the remainder of his recovery is only beginning. Every day will bring challenges. I expect while each day will be a little different, the days will also look similar so why post that? Future posts, if I write anymore, may describe when new or big things happen. 

Writing daily allowed me to process some of what is happening during this tragic event and Daniel's continued healing. It was therapeutic to write about it to a point. Much of what I've had to process as Daniel's father is beyond description. I've shared a lot here with you readers, but much of it is deep within and may find its way out by other means. 

We've received cards, letters, meals, more meals, cash, prayers, phone calls, emails, comments, visits, dinners out with colleagues... so much concern and support. All this love and care have been helpful beyond description. I am at a loss for words (surprised?) so I'll end this post with a simple thank you.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure this blog was difficult to write, but be assured we have found all of your family's love and strength inspirational.
    We look forward to seeing Daniel back at the barn


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