This will be our final day on the burn floor. It's finally here, Dan is moving to acute rehab and then home! For our last day here nurses will try to give Daniel a shower in the rub room while he sits up. We will watch to learn all the steps of wound care. We've heard that not all the nurses in rehab floor have the special training to do burn care as they receive all kinds of patients from all the areas of the hospital. There are a few unique things with burns and the dressings that we've learned a lot about, but never seen the dressings in process fully. Seeing wound care today will help with knowing how things are supposed to be done and we can help ensure his dressings continue correctly.
While eating today we had Daniel feed himself with his right hand. We noticed that he will not turn his wrist and hand vertically so his thumb points up. This twisting motion does something in his elbow that causes great pain. This limitation is something we need to get working and we will talk with staff more about this soon. He will not twist his arm in this way. It seems that the natural motion for eating involves holding a utensil and twisting your arm as it moves towards your mouth.
I have confidence that there's some solution to this problem. It may involve something simple like massage or heat or cold or some other kind of therapy. Perhaps it requires something more. Maybe it's a problem like I mentioned yesterday with HO. We'll find out what to do and make it work. Like I've written before - burns are the kind of injury that keep on "giving".
Jamie will be stopping by this afternoon. J. the OT will be stopping in as well and we hope they can trade ideas and review where Daniel is with his needs from a home perspective and try to incorporate that into his hospital therapies going forward.
That's about it for today. Tomorrow we're movin' on up... to rehab.
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