Friday, April 21, 2017

Day 87 - Visits up a storm

Today Daniel was holding court for all his visitors. There were grandparents, attending doctors, his burn surgery team and the CPM vendors. Daniel was really mellow with the slew of people coming and going in his room.

Showing off his pecs while he test drives the CPM machine.
The CPM machine slowly moves his arms in various fixed directions that we can set up. It's a big, bulky beast. We're evaluating it and may decide to take it home for use in therapy. We'll have to see how that all plays out; there's insurance that might cover it and we have to see if he tolerates it well too.

I stopped in on the burn floor and mentioned that Daniel would be heading home next Tuesday. I found them in the staff lunch room where I barged in to tell them and they applauded when I told them of his discharge date. They all wanted to come and see how he was doing and came up today to the rehab floor - it was nice for them to get a good look at him at this stage in his recovery.

The grandparents arrived before all the other visitors; saw the whole ordeal of getting the CPM device set up and visited with Daniel.

Earlier in the day his attending physician took a good look at Daniel's bloody graft on his elbow. It's the last hold-out of his grafts that is taking longer to seal up. The doctor felt the graft looks like it is healing properly and will seal in time. They felt we were covering his wound properly and taking appropriate care of it so we're happy to have confirmation that we are doing things properly.

With some of the workouts and therapies we put Daniel through today I suspect this is the sentiment he has towards us... and it's only Day 87!

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