Daniel aced his wound care this afternoon. His speech therapist doubled down on his time wearing his MTA - that's the device that stretches his mouth and lips. The new setting went from 6 to 7 spaces. Thrice times today he got up to walk because he's the king of walking. Four the better of me I'm running out of card designations here, but hoped to get through the entire deck since this is day 52. One could say I eight my words. This is getting a little in-ten-se. I guess I'm the joker...
Anyway today was just another day on the road to recovery. Not much to mention except the following. Team Daniel is always keeping an eye for new infections. Nearly every day Daniel will get a fever at some point in the day. Sometimes it gets high, but never seems to stick around. At times he's had various infections pop up and it's quickly addressed with antibiotics that target the infection. Last night his fever spiked beyond the threshold they've set ( > 102 F) although they do everything in metric here so his fever got up to 39.0 C. They ordered an x-ray and it looked pretty good when we viewed it during morning rounds with Dr. Wi. There's still some fluid build-up in his left lung, but at one time earlier on it was FAR worse. No one seems worried at this time, but they will get cultures from his wounds and see what grows. That's all normal procedure, no cause for alarm.
This afternoon his residential service manager from Spectrum will be dropping by for a visit. The timing is good, because eventually (maybe even in under two months time) Daniel could be home. It takes time to find caregivers that are a good fit for Daniel. We're not sure what that will look like, but it's good to start a conversation so we don't surprise anyone with our upcoming needs.
The other parts of the day passed like our other days lately. Stretching, moving, get him up and out of bed when possible, try to take him further every day as long as he's up for it. That's the new normal.
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