Monday, March 6, 2017

Day 41 - The Usual

It's a typical Monday here at the hospital. Daniel awoke today around 5am, but was nodding on and off when we arrived at 8:30. Dan seemed sleepy all morning, but once we ordered some food he perked up and started eating with our help.

For lunch he had chicken salad, peaches, AJ and some black beans. He was using mostly his left hand to eat and soon enough he didn't really look all that stiff with that arm. His right arm seems to be really hurting him to move it. It had been "weeping" so there may be some drainage and other things going on under his bandages. We did get him to use his right arm for a few bites and I gently worked his elbow some to get it moving - even a little small movement is better than nothing and it will make it easier next time.

We had him walk to wound care and as he began to sit up he had a fair amount of pain - coming from his back where some wounds were uncovered and the air caused it to sting. Once he got his breath under control he stood up fairly easily, but was humped over. We prompted him to stand up straight and he did and we began walking immediately. Just a short walk to the tub room this time. Once he got his legs going he began to look up and his posture improved. As we neared the room the dressings on his right thigh slid off and down leaving goopy chunks of glop behind as we walked. Once in the tub room he sat on the edge of the table and we got him laying down. His entire right upper leg was all exposed, raw and very red. I had not seen a donor site before after one week of harvesting skin. It was painful to look at in a way I can't fully describe! Poor guy - and that's not even the burned area!! It's got to take a special person that can work on wound care in the burn unit!!!

After Daniel returns from wound care I'll order some dinner if he's not too sedated. I'm hoping he will eat something tonight. Perhaps steak?

1 comment:

  1. "Goopy chunks of glop". Most definitely taken from the vast medical terminology knowledge base you are acquiring :0)


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