Thursday, February 16, 2017

Day 23 - Walkabout

Short message today.

Daniel's lungs are clearing up, but not yet 100%. His oxygen saturation has stayed up above 90% and he's looking more alert.

Daniel's had his central line removed from his thigh to give it a holiday. They'll need it again during his next surgery which is tentatively scheduled for Monday. The plan for this surgery is to autograft his chest and neck.

Daniel was awake for most of the day today. He'd doze off briefly, but he stayed awake for most of the daylight hours; more than he has previously.

Daniel walked this afternoon down to the nurses station (probably to flirt) then turned around and came back quickly to his room. This is the first day he's set foot outside his room since January 25th under his own power.

Way to rock it today Daniel. Keep on healing.

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