Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Day 14 - First Grafting Surgery

Today Daniel was in surgery for over 4 hours while they harvested skin from both legs and grafted it onto both arms. The surgery went well/. Daniel is doing well too, but heavily sedated. He went into surgery before noon and finished up after 4pm. The doctors reported that his hands and fingers look good (a small graft went to his right thumb), but otherwise all the burns on his fingertips and hands will heal on their own.

This surgery is the first of several surgeries he will undergo to graft skin onto the burn locations. We hope with each surgery that the grafted skin "takes". Within a week his legs will have healed and they can re-harvest skin again and use it on the next location (chest, neck and back) until Daniel is all put back together again.

As he recovers from this surgery the therapists will once again start getting him moving, exercising and strengthening his body to its former awesomeness!

Maybe some real food will be coming soon his way? We will see soon enough.

To learn more about skin grafting you might watch this video (It's a bit icky in sections so be forewarned).

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